
Mac and PC

Myblood-line is developed for PC and Mac. It uses for 99% the same code for Mac and PC. Mac OS X 10.4 or higher is required (Intel). Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 are all supported.

Ancestors and descendants

The ancestors and descendants views allow you to navigate through family connections. Myblood-line also shows you a time-line of the person you are moving over. Click on a person to make it the active person. People in a list that are in bold have children.


Shows on a map, the places a persons ancestors (up to 4 generations) were situated. You can determine in what detail you want events to be shown, and what type of events are considered to be important, relevant or details.


Add coordinates (latitude and longitude) to places, automatically or manually.
Add extra links to places.
Indicate that a specific place name is actually the same place as...


Make reports of people or family groups.
Get statistisc or view and print charts for up to 16 generations.
Save the reports or charts as searchable pdf-files.


Powerful find to find informaton in all possible data (People, Families, Media, Place, Timelines, Events, Notes, Tasks). Find data based on Distance and Time. E.g. find all Persons Event within a radius of 15km or the birthplace of a Person.


The people view is where you Add, Delete, Link and Relink People and Families.
Easily see the number of Events, Media, Witnesses... linked to a Person and navigate to them by double clicking ...
Switch between marriages ...


Shows the life-line of a person and the relations to other people.
You can select or deselect categories of information to show in the life-line.
Selection media shows the media (pictures) in the left bottom of the window.
Double click on an event to bring you to that event of a person or a marriage...


Manage all media in one place. See if it are events related media or additionally added media. Assign people to media, and indicate where people are located on an image. Set an image as the main (or primary) image.
Edit media or upload it to Picasa...


Enter or import timelines to add context information to the life of your ancestors.
Events have a date, place and links to additional historical content.
Timelines can be added to the chronology of a person and can be exported to the website.

Web pages

Export your family tree to html pages for your website.
Below you find the 2 example files of myblood-line in 2 different styles.
There are more style to choose from, or you can use your own CSS-style.
Royal Family of England (web-site)
Kennedy family

Any language

You can use the myblood-line translation tool to translate the program (including reports, web-site...) to any language. Several languages are delivered on installation time. Google translation allows you to translated to any of the Google supported languages.

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